Points to be Consider before Installing Face Recognition Time Attendance System

Here in this new era, it is the world of advancement and transformation. Almost everything has been changed or transformed to the advanced level and still the level is increasing day by day. So, there is a vast change in the field of security and safety guard of your premises. It become transform from traditional or manual to fully automatic or electronic computer based system. In this field biometrics is very famous and has been implemented from various organizations in the town. This system has ruled all over the world and gains the top most position in the security field. It has many applications such as finger print scanner, card reader, and face recognition, etc. Except face recognition system all have some disadvantages like card reader have cons of buddy punching.

Face recognition also includes three main applications like visitor management system, access control system and time attendance system. Nowadays, face recognition time attendance system is in trend. Companies who are facing the problem of log book storage, proxy attendance, data lose from log books, etc. are need to install this system as it provides ultimate security and safety at your premises. This system scans and stores the data in its small system without any requirement of external hardware or software. It scans 8, 00, 000 face per second, so employee should focus more on their work without waiting their time behind scanning and verification. It is based on fully automatic and electronic system, so there are no chances of proxy attendance, data lost from the system and also it becomes difficult to cheat with this system. Thus, it solves each and every problem of your company by providing the safety and security to the top most level. Thus, these are some points you need to be considered before installing the face recognition system.

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